Seitz: C. aurata Wkr. (18 b) looks like a Macrocneme\ body blackish-brown; tips of antennae white; at aurata. the palpal base, forehead, collar, shoulders, and chest white dots. The 1st abdominal ring exhibits dorsal and lateral, double, white dots, the 2nd ring only lateral ones; the first segments below white. Vertex and legs spotted golden green; femoral base posteriorly spotted white. The basal half of the black forewing is golden green. Expanse of wings: 40 mm. Venezuela. Euchromia aurata Walker, 1854; List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 1: 250 Male: Front of head white with purple lustre. Palpi with bluish scales. Antennae black. Thorax with blue and white spots. Wings black, with limpid spots at the base ; disk of the fore wings blue ; hind wings blue in front beneath. Abdomen above with white dots at the base, and with three blue stripes ; under side with a white band at the base, and with two rows of white dots. Legs with blue scales ; tarsi tawny, black towards the base. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 18 lines.